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How to Arrange Your Lijiang Trip

Recommended attractions

a.must-go places  

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Lijiang Ancient Town
Impression Lijiang

b.Other Recommends

Baisha Murals
Yuhu Village
Black Dragon Pool
Mu’s Former Residence
Shuhe Ancient Town
Dongba Culture Museum

c.Nearby attractions

Tiger Leaping Gorge
Lugu Lake

Recommended itinerary

a.Lijiang 1 day tour

Day1. In the morning you could have a visit to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, afterwards go ahead to the Yufeng Peak and Baisha Murals. Go back to Lijiang Ancient Town in the evening and you could enjoy the Naxi Ancient Music.  

b.Lijiang 2 days tour

Day1. Follow the itinerary as 1 day tour
Day2. In the morning, you could visit Shuhe Ancient Town, Dongba Culture Museum, and the Black Dragon Pool, and then enjoy the performance Impression Lijiang

c.Lijiang 3 days tour
Day1 & Day 2 follow the itinerary of Lijiang 2 days tour
Day3. In the morning you could visit the Tiger Leaping Gorge, enjoy the stunning view of the First Bend of the Yangtze River. In the afternoon, go back to Lijiang, or depart to Shangri-la.

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