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Urumqi Tours

  • Urumqi & Turpan Adventure tour
    Urumqi & Turpan Adventure tour - 4 Days Urumqi - Turpan Take short highlight journey in Urumqi and Turpan - popular destinations in Xinjiang, each offering unique attractions. Urumqi features the Xinjiang Museum, Heavenly Lake, and the Grand Bazaar, while Turpan boasts the Jiaohe Ancient City, Karez Irrigation System, Sugong Pagoda, Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves, and the ruins of Gaochang City. These sites showcase rich history and culture, making them excellent choices for exploring the charm and civilization of Xinjiang. Details
  • Urumqi In-depth Exploration
    Urumqi In-depth Exploration - 3 Days Urumqi Immerse yourself in a 3-day exploration in Urumqi, where you'll discover a mix of experiences. Begin by relaxing at Heavenly Lake, nestled in the Tianshan Mountains. Dive into the bustling cultural scene at the International Grand Bazaar and explore Xinjiang's history at the Xinjiang Regional Museum. Conclude your journey at Southern Pasture, where you can witness the nomadic way of life. Experience nature, culture, and history all in one unforgettable trip to Urumqi. Details
  • Urumqi Day Tour
    Urumqi Day Tour - 1 Day Urumqi Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang in China, has two must-see spots: Heavenly Lake and the International Grand Bazaar. Heavenly Lake offers beautiful views and activities like boating and hiking. The Grand Bazaar is a lively market selling Uyghur goods. Visitors can enjoy the atmosphere, try local food, and shop for souvenirs, making it a memorable experience in Xinjiang. Details
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