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Kashgar Tours

  • Kashgar In-depth Exploration
    Kashgar In-depth Exploration - 6 Days Kashgar - Tashkorghan Kashgar, located in southern Xinjiang, China, is a city rich in history and culture with many fascinating attractions to explore. The Old Town, Fragrant Concubine Garden, Id Kah Mosque, Karakul Lake, White Sand Lake, Stone City, Golden Grassland, Atush Heavenly Gate, and Lake Dawa are all famous landmarks in the area. Visitors can experience ancient architecture, Islamic culture, lake scenery, and desert landscapes. A deep dive into Kashgar will allow you to appreciate the unique charm and culture of this city. Details
  • Kashgar Day Tour
    Kashgar Day Tour - 1 Day Kashgar This 1-day Kashgar tour will take you to Id Kah Mosque, Handicraft Street, Fragrant Concubine Garden, Old Town, and Grand Bazaar. Each spot offers a unique experience. From historical sites to vibrant markets, the Kashgar day trip will give you a taste of Kashgar's diverse charm. Details
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