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Inner Mongolia launches culture and tourism events

Date: 2018.08.13 Author: Celia Tang

Northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is currently hosting a series of events in order to boost its culture and tourism appeal. According to the local government, a culture and tourism expo in Hohhot runs between August 10th and 14th.


The expo aims to promote culture and tourism by presenting digital science exhibits, culture creation ideas, design work, intangible cultural heritage and animations to the public. At the same time, a costume and headwear design competition is to be staged. In addition, a creative culture and tourism design competition which focuses on art, application and ethnic element integration will take place in Hohhot on August 18th.


Hohhot is the capital of Inner Mongolia, which is also the home to 36 different ethnic groups with a population of around 2.5 million. The city is at its greenest and most pleasant in spring and early summer. The color blue in Mongol culture is associated with the sky, eternity and purity.