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Chongqing opened Night Market Culture Festival

Date: 2018.08.03 Author: Celia Tang

Jiulongpo District recently held an opening ceremony of 2018 Chongqing Night Market Culture Festival in Jiulong Binjiang Square. Until to September, the culture festival will carry out various activities of Alipay Network-Wide Business Joint Promotion Online To Offline, Gift-Giving to Citizens, Top Ten Web Celebrities of the Five Factions Exploring The Night Market, 48 Landing Activities, Selection of The Most Popular Night Market For 2018, etc., which will instill new energy to Chongqing night market.


As the sponsor of the culture festival, Chongqing Brewery have prepared Untamed Tuborg with totaling more than 10 tons, making the visitors taste different flavors, and placed scores of leisure tables and chairs, making the visitors drink the Untamed Tuborg while visiting the night market to enjoy the night view of Chongqing.


Chongqing is a well-known city with a history of more than 3000 years. At present, Chongqing is a municipality directly under the Central Government with the largest area, the most administrative districts and the largest population. Chongqing has a population of 30 millions, and most of them are of Han nationality. 49 other ethnic minorities, such as Tujia, Miao, Hui, Man, and Yi also live here but retain their own traditional customs. The colorful local customs have already become an important tourist attraction in Chongqing.